Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Taming of the OpenMesh

Goal: Add the ability to render/draw the original input head and scalp OBJs (perhaps store the geometry data in an OpenMesh data structure)
(a decimated test .obj to represent the input head - no collider just yet)

(the original .obj that Cat gave me...I would have to scale the program controls to accommodate its larger size...perhaps it would be a good idea to have this done automatically based on the mesh's bounding volume...)

Unfortunately, the other goals still need work...but I am proud that I figured out how to use the OpenMesh library (remember that pesky error from way, way back? I somehow managed to bypass it). Over the next several weeks, I am going to be presenting and implementing the Zinke paper ("Dual Scattering Approximation for Fast Multiple Scattering in Hair") for CIS660. The work from these assignments will feed right into the rendering portion of my hair simulator. It's going to be an offline process (slow approach) at first, but hopefully I can take the procedure used in my project code and give it the "senior project treatment" by porting it to the GPU. But, we know how many times I've said "GPU" before, don't we...speaking of which, I did receive some feedback on the Bullet forums as to where I was going wrong with enabling simulation on the GPU. However, the person who apparently discovered a solution has not contacted me yet. I will bug them again.

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