Monday, March 22, 2010

Idea for Fixing Oscillations

After a good deal of playing around with parameters, I found that I was able to calm the oscillating hairs (mostly) whenever their anchors were above the surface of the collider.
In this situation, the hairs are grown from inside the collider; Bullet gets mad and the hairs oscillate around wildly.

But in this situation, the hairs are grown from outside the collider; aside from a few oscillations (unnoticeable from far away), Bullet is happy and the hairs stay still.

So, growing the key hairs from the vertices of the original input scalp is a good starting point, but perhaps projecting each scalp vertex onto the collider and growing from these projected positions is a better idea. This would ensure that the key hairs are anchored to the surface of the collider and not somewhere above or below it.

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