Sunday, October 25, 2009

Collider-phyllic Strands

Collision detection is working! Unfortunately, the hair strand seems to want to stick to the collider. I'm going to look into this more...

(just one "free" control point)

(collder-phyllic strand!)

UPDATE: I have fixed the issue! Silly me, I was projecting all of the "free" control points onto the collider mesh whenever just one collided (hence all of them suddenly snapped into place). I've adjusted my code to snap just the colliding particle:

(getting better...)

Alas, the snap is still a bit too forceful. I don't really know what's causing this. It seems almost contradictory: one the one hand, the snap means that my code has registered a collision, but on the other, the abruptness of the snap seems to imply that some extra steps are needed to get the particle a little closer to the collider before it actually collides. So, my eyes are telling me one thing, but my code (the math) is telling me another. I trust my eyes more, honestly. ~__~

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