Friday, October 23, 2009

A Strand of Progress

Good one! Using Connelly's Hair class as a road map (in addition to Jakobsen's paper), I've constructed my own (albeit crude) HairStrand class. Here's the little guy in action (gravity is turned on in the negative y direction, and the drag coefficient is set to 0.5):
Cat is currently helping me to get a grip on manipulating OpenMesh objects (specifically how to grab vertex positions from a TriMeshT object - it looks like I'll probably need to use iterators). Unfortunately, the library is not very well documented and definitely not very intuitive (for me, anyway). So, with that going on in the background, my next step consists of colliding this little guy with a polygonal mesh. I have the function written up and ready to go, but I'm betting it won't cooperate on the first test run. For testing these interactions, I'm using a simple Fl_Gl_Window object (vs. Qt).

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